If you are having issues logging into Ranshu.com try checking your browser's privacy or security settings. Our website requires that your browser has cookie handling enabled.
Here are instructions on changing the cookie settings on popular browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7|8|9
On the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options".
Then select the "Privacy" tab.
Click the "Advanced" button.
Click the "Default" button.
Check the "Override automatic cookie handling" box.
Under "First-party Cookies", select "Accept".
Under "Third-party Cookies", select "Accept".
Click the "OK" button.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
On the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options".
Then select the "Privacy" tab.
Click the "Default" button.
Click the "OK" button.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
On the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options".
Select the "Security" tab.
Click the "Custom Level" button.
Scroll down to the "Cookies" section.
Set "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer" to "Enable".
Set "Allow per-session cookies" to "Enable".
Click the "OK" button.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4
On the "View" menu, select "Internet Options".
Select the "Advanced" tab.
Scroll down to "Cookies" in the "Security" section.
Select "Always accept cookies".
Click the "OK" button.
Click on the wrench in the toolbar, select "Preferences".
Click "Show Advanced Settings...", then under Privacy click the "Content Settings" button.
Under "Cookies" Check "Allow local data to be set" for cookies.
Click the "OK" button.
Click on the picture of the Gear or on the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences".
Click "Privacy".
Under "Block Cookies", select "From third parties and advertisers.".
On the "Tools" menu, select "Options".
Select the "Privacy" icon from the left panel.
Under the "Cookies" submenu for 1.x and 2.x, otherwise check the box corresponding to "Accept cookies from sites".
Click the "OK" button.
Mozilla 5
On the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences".
Click on the arrow next to "Privacy & Security" in the scrolling window.
Under "Privacy & Security", select "Cookies".
Select "Enable all cookies".
Click the "OK" button.